Welcome to the feature page of CopApp! Calendar Schedule Shift App for iOS and Android!

  • Calendar App for Repeating Schedules
  • Easy to use, useful and intuitive
  • Easy to figure out RDO's, track court dates
  • Load Predefined Schedules or customize to your schedule
  • Add notes to any day
  • Highlight Days to a color for important dates
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CopApp! for iPhone -- Click Here to Download from the App Store

CopApp! for Android -- Click Here to Download from the Android Market

For police officers or anyone that has a rotating schedule -- Calendar/Schedule app, to view which squads work together and which squads have days off
Tap Menu-->Set Rotation Days to change schedules - supports any combination of custom text.. For instance, supports 3 squads, with repeating schedules of:

  • 5 days on, 2 days off, then 5 days on, 3 days off
  • 4 days on, then 2 days off
  • ... or make your own schedule
Tap on Settings-->Set Start Date to choose the first date of the repeating schedule.
Tap on Settings-->Set Highlight Text to automatically highlight a string in the calendar, examples:
  • Enter '1' to highlight squad 1
  • Enter comma-separated for more than one, ie: '1/2,2/1' to highlight when squads 1 & 2 both work day/night shifts.
Tap on a date to highlight a color for important dates, days off, court dates, paydays, birthdays, etc.

Tap on Set Rotation Days to customize the days to rotate (add, remove, move days around) to make the schedule exactly match your own

Load templates to get predefined schedules

Add notes for any day (Currently for iPhone only)

iPhone Screenshots

Android Screenshots

View it here: AppBrain , or here: AndroLib

Support: myprojectxinc@gmail.com